Anthony S. Deese, Ph.D.
Department Chair and Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The College of New Jersey

Smart Electric Power System (SEPS) Laboratory
The National Science Foundation (NSF), under its Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) initiative, recently granted $99,985.00 to The College of New Jersey for acquisition of advanced power engineering and renewable energy laboratory hardware. These funds are under the direction of principal inves tigator Dr. Anthony Deese - an Assistant Professor within the Department of Electrical and Computer (ECE) Engineering. The laboratory hardware - composed of "scaled" three-phase AC power supplies, transformers, transmission lines, and synchronous as well as induction machines - will physically emulate the structure and behavior of an electric power system, like that operated by PSEG and PECO. It will allow TCNJ students and researchers the unique ability to manipulate the parameters and topology of a physical power system as well as observe the effect of their actions. For example, one may remove a large generator or transmission line from the emulated grid and watch a "blackout" occur. This hardware, in addition to components associated with a "traditional" power system, will provide TCNJ students and researchers with access to emerging "smart grid" technologies - including photovoltaic cells, wind turbines, Ni-MH battery storage, solid-state power electronic converters, and embedded data acquisition / actuation capability. This laboratory, named Smart Electric Power System (SEPS) Laboratory, was recently installed at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ). Click on the following links for more information on SEPS: 1) LabVolt White Paper, 2) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Journal Paper.
Power Supplies, Synchronous Generators, and Electric Machines
1 - LabVolt 8821-20 Three-Phase Power Supply
2 - LabVolt 8241-00 Three-Phase Synchronous Motors / Generators
5 - LabVolt 8960-X0 Four-Quadrant Dynamometers / Power Supplies
1 - LabVolt 8968-30 Wind Turbine Emulator / Generator
2 - LabVolt 8221-B0 Three-Phase Induction Machines
Transmission Lines and Transformers
6 - LabVolt 8329-00 Three-Phase Transmission Lines
1 - LabVolt 8326-A0 Three-Phase Line Inductor
1 - LabVolt 8349-00 Regulating Auto-Transformer
4 - LabVolt 8348-40 Three-Phase Transformers
1 - LabVolt 8354-00 Three-Phase Transformer (alternate)
Constant-Impedance Loads and Power Factor Correction
2 - LabVolt 8331-B0 Remote Resistive Loads
2 - LabVolt 8321-B0 Remote Inductive Loads
2 - LabVolt 8331-B0 Remote Capacitive Loads
Power Electronics and HVDC Hardware
2 - LabVolt 8837-B0 IGBT Inverters / Choppers
1 - LabVolt 8325-A0 Filtering Capacitor
4 - LabVolt 8841-20 Power Thyristors
5 - LabVolt 8848-00 Synchronizing Modules
Energy Storage Devices
1 - LabVolt 8802-10 Lead-Acid Battery Pack
Measurement and Data Acquisition Hardware
5 - LabVolt 9063-X0 Actuation and Data Acquisition (DAQ) Interfaces
2 - LabVolt 8911-00 Electrodynamometers
1 - Fluke 77-IV Multimeter
1 - Tektronix TDS-1002B Two-Channel Oscilloscope
1 - Dranetz PP4300 Power Quality Analyzer
Computer and Digital Hardware
6 - Dell Latitude E6420 Laptop Computers (hardware controllers)
1 - Dell Alienware M18x Portable Computer (for fast power system simulation)
Software Control Modules
1 - LabVolt GRID-SP Grid Controller
1 - LabVolt 8216-00 Wind Turbine Controller
1 - LabVolt 9069-70 HVDC Controller
1 - LabVolt 9063-50 Three-Phase PWM Rectifier / Inverter Controller
1 - LabVolt 9063 Chopper / Inverter Controller
1 - LabVolt 8960 Lead-Acid Battery Charge Controller